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Creating native Revit files

Native Revit file Here in Holland the Architect, contructions, mechanical and Electric firms demand to use Revit. In their BIM protocols they demand to collaborate with RVT and IFC files. They demand me to collaborate this way. I don't have any so...
11 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 5 Needs review

Railing Prostructures section placement point

When you are choosing the Prostructures members in any of the areas the member is always Place top Center. Need to be appy to choose the placement point E.G. Centre - Center
8 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 1 Future consideration

Schedule export to XLSX

The format for Excel export from schedules should be to the modern Excel XLSX format rather than the legacy XLS one.
about 1 year ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 2 Future consideration

Allow Updates to Cached Drawings with missing references

If a reference is removed from a composition model, then any cached drawings referencing Saved Views from that composition model will get an error message that prevents the cached DV from updating. There are several reasons that users may want to ...
almost 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 4 Future consideration

English translation: Please add a design for fixing points in the pipe support. The fixed support of the pipe system (i.e., all three-way displacements must be constrained to 0) requires a combination of a guide and a limit support. Two hangers will be generated when generating the hanger. Original text: 请在pipe的支架中增加固定点的设计。管系的固定支架(即三向位移都要被约束为0)需要用一个导向加一个限位支架组合,生成支吊架的时候会出现两个支吊架.

请在pipe的支架中增加固定点的设计。管系的固定支架(即三向位移都要被约束为0)需要用一个导向加一个限位支架组合,生成支吊架的时候会出现两个支吊架。请增加一个固定支架选项English translation: Please add a design for fixing points in the pipe support. The fixed support for the pipe system (i.e. all three-way displacements are constr...
about 2 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Buildings Systems 1 Needs review

Generative Components: Support MS Python

It would be great to be able to support interaction with MS Python scripts. GC locks any Mstn geometry that it manipulates. This severely limits its use compared with other visual programming aids like Dynamo, PyRevit. MS Python seems a lot less c...
about 2 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 1 Future consideration

Migrate data from one dataset to another

I would like to have some sort of (visual) tool that can show what data is stored in dataset A and convert bits of it to Dataset B. I do not want the entire dataset just bits of it i.e we could spend hours creating a series of doors, gates etc., w...
about 2 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 1 Future consideration

WorkSuite-savvy Activate

Now that Worksuites are here, it would be good to provide a quick means to switch between OpenBuildings, Speedikon, ProStructures, OpenSite Designer, Descartes, iTwin Capture Modeler and LumenRT. For the five 'verticals' based on Mstn, it would be...
about 2 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 2 Will not implement

Filled spaces are not displayed with display rules

A behavior that should be corrected. By indicating filled spaces in dynamic view, the spaces are not shown filled. If we indicate display rules for these spaces in dynamic views, the spaces are shown as indicated by the display rules but are no...
6 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 0 Needs review

Speed up designing with OpenBuildings Designer

I have a problem. Sometimes OBD will crash without any warning. All my projects are very big. > 10GB on third parties files. And when I want to place a pipe or a valve, it took a 8-9 seconds to show up the Place component menu. I think there mu...
almost 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Buildings Systems 8 Future consideration