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Showing 101

Parametric Frame/Cell Builder

There is currently no effective means to generate and update Parametric / Compound Cells. Including the proxy view dependent geometry is key to reducing BV,DV generation times. Also needed to automate and coordinate detail drawing production. The ...
about 1 month ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 1 Future consideration

Need sloped slab from compound slab option

Team needs it and creating sloped slab now is a challenge.
5 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 3 Future consideration

Place Wall by Space / Shape - Segment option

It would be good to include this option. Its very rare that all sides of the space or room will have the same wall type. The user ends up having to delete or mod most of the walls or even worse not using the tool at all. With this option, the OBD ...
about 1 month ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 1 Future consideration

Railing Prostructures section placement point

When you are choosing the Prostructures members in any of the areas the member is always Place top Center. Need to be appy to choose the placement point E.G. Centre - Center
8 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 1 Future consideration

Schedule export to XLSX

The format for Excel export from schedules should be to the modern Excel XLSX format rather than the legacy XLS one.
about 1 year ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 2 Future consideration

Allow Updates to Cached Drawings with missing references

If a reference is removed from a composition model, then any cached drawings referencing Saved Views from that composition model will get an error message that prevents the cached DV from updating. There are several reasons that users may want to ...
almost 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 4 Future consideration

Generative Components: Support MS Python

It would be great to be able to support interaction with MS Python scripts. GC locks any Mstn geometry that it manipulates. This severely limits its use compared with other visual programming aids like Dynamo, PyRevit. MS Python seems a lot less c...
2 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 1 Future consideration

Migrate data from one dataset to another

I would like to have some sort of (visual) tool that can show what data is stored in dataset A and convert bits of it to Dataset B. I do not want the entire dataset just bits of it i.e we could spend hours creating a series of doors, gates etc., w...
2 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 1 Future consideration

Speed up designing with OpenBuildings Designer

I have a problem. Sometimes OBD will crash without any warning. All my projects are very big. > 10GB on third parties files. And when I want to place a pipe or a valve, it took a 8-9 seconds to show up the Place component menu. I think there mu...
almost 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Buildings Systems 8 Future consideration

Definition editor string property limited to 255

When a property is defined as string in definition editor despite there are fields where you can declare the maximum and minimun length, the program trunks the string at 255 characters instead the number you define as maximum length
almost 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 3 Future consideration