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Showing 201 of 201

Allow Geometry to be constrained by Floor,

A heavily requested feature is to allow objects to be constrained by floor plane. If the floor level adjusts the geometry adjusts. Reference planes with object associations (Speedikon GAP analysis)
almost 5 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural / Buildings Systems / Structural 2 Future consideration

Trim/Extend Multiple Walls

The Connect Walls command only works on 1 wall at a time. If the users need to extend multiple walls to touch another wall, the user must click the same wall multiple times. We should strive to match the workflow available in the Trim to Element C...
almost 5 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 2 Future consideration

Associate structural elements to grid lines

Structural elements are associated to grids so changes to grid layout will propagate to associated elements, such as beams, columns, bearing walls, and footings.
about 3 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Structural 0 Future consideration

Allow Updates to Cached Drawings with missing references

If a reference is removed from a composition model, then any cached drawings referencing Saved Views from that composition model will get an error message that prevents the cached DV from updating. There are several reasons that users may want to ...
almost 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 4 Future consideration

Speed up designing with OpenBuildings Designer

I have a problem. Sometimes OBD will crash without any warning. All my projects are very big. > 10GB on third parties files. And when I want to place a pipe or a valve, it took a 8-9 seconds to show up the Place component menu. I think there mu...
almost 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Buildings Systems 8 Future consideration

Allow the defintion of Inclined Floor Planes

Many users (CrossRail, TFL) working on stations would like to be able to define a "floor" that is inclined for use cases such as tunnels and ramps between platforms etc.
almost 5 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 3 Planned

Railing with baseboard

The problem is that it is not possible to use a flat iron profile from the standard catalog because this profile is always placed horizontally instead of vertically on the railing. I have not found a way to place the profile rotated by 90 degrees....
almost 1 year ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Buildings Systems 1 Needs review

Definition editor string property limited to 255

When a property is defined as string in definition editor despite there are fields where you can declare the maximum and minimun length, the program trunks the string at 255 characters instead the number you define as maximum length
almost 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 3 Future consideration

Annotation Tools Refresh

Some of OBD's Annotation tools date back to the 90s and need to be updated. A lot of OBD's functionality is also based on new Mstn tech like DV callouts (Place Section Callout, Place Detail Callout, Place Elevation Callout, Place Plan Callout, Pla...
over 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 1 Planned

Automated Element Numbering

Generate element ID numbers based on their floor number and space location. For examples, manually label a space "03" on the first floor, becomes "103". A door that is manually labeled "A", opening into room 104 becomes "104A"
about 3 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 1 Future consideration