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New data for spaces: Net Volume

At the moment we find two different data for areas: net area and gross area. However, there is only one volume available that can be shared in plans and spreadsheets: the gross volume, calculated as gross area * room height. In order to have an ov...
4 months ago in OpenBuildings Speedikon 1 Needs review

Produce IFC with textures

Add support for IFC4 export with textures as entities IfcBlobTexture, IfcPixelTexture or IfcImageTexture. This would allow to deliver results in IFC even if yet not all IFC viewers/editors can handle textures. See how these examples work with late...
5 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 2 Needs review

Railing Prostructures section placement point

When you are choosing the Prostructures members in any of the areas the member is always Place top Center. Need to be appy to choose the placement point E.G. Centre - Center
5 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 1 Future consideration

Match Wall perforator

When creating families and parts i/e/ a door, we need an option to MATCH Wall. This was available in PCS, but not in MS or OBD. As it stands you need to place a 3d slab that is your perforator = your cut depth. This s very limited. We need an opti...
5 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 1 Needs review

Use Text with (Fx) functionality

When filling a textcode using the funtionality of f(x) you can choose a lot of data used or filled in the component you've add in your model. But when you copied the component a view times in the model, you want to use the functionality of the tex...
6 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Buildings Systems 0 Needs review

Structural Tool Open to Last Library Instead of Reset

Each time you go to place a structural member the tool resets to the base directory of the libraries. It would save a LOT of time is the tool remembered the last library list used and defaulted there instead of resetting to the beginning. It can b...
8 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Structural 0 Already exists

Creating native Revit files

Native Revit file Here in Holland the Architect, contructions, mechanical and Electric firms demand to use Revit. In their BIM protocols they demand to collaborate with RVT and IFC files. They demand me to collaborate this way. I don't have any so...
8 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 5 Needs review

Add cached files and live nesting funktion.

For example if we have 5(five) volume files refrenced into to a masterfile and this masterfile is referenced to a mastermodel where you take sections for 2D drawings. The 2D drawing is cached. When opening this file with live nesting set to 2, the...
8 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 0 Needs review

Working in dwg mode and want to reference a dwg.

When working in dwg mode and want to reference a dwg. The nested choice is not on. Posibility of autocad have also a overlay and attached choice. And in OBD the choice is already made. Please let the designer make the choice what he/she wants to s...
8 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 0 Needs review

Enable parts to be placed completely on active layer

Currently when doors, windows, walls, etc. are placed when a level is set as active, the various components of the part land on different levels. The part placement actually creates levels that have been programmed into the part and cannot be chan...
9 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 2 Needs review