Now that Worksuites are here, it would be good to provide a quick means to switch between OpenBuildings, Speedikon, ProStructures, OpenSite Designer, Descartes, iTwin Capture Modeler and LumenRT.
For the five 'verticals' based on Mstn, it would be good to be able to update the Activate, Open in New Session, Exchange tools to either:
Load the associated toolsets when the user activates a Ref attached model that has been authored by another vertical. I think that this should be possible if the associated vertical is already a 'companion' app. Eg Decartes, OpenSite, GC, Prostructures(?). Ie their toolsets can already be loaded in the same session.
When the associated vertical is not compatible as Companion app, switch to the Exchange or Open in New Session tools (preversing. transfering camera, display settings).
Where the use activates a Ref attached iTwin, the corresponding dgn would be the target.
Ideally, all Worksuite members should be able to load all the individual member toolsets, but I don't think this is possible currently.
How frequently will feature be used? | Several times a day |
How much time will you save? | Lots |
Hi Dominic, looking at the technical challenges related to this idea, we have to inform you that we do not plan to do it.
We should be effectively heading towards a situation where we are not using different ‘apps’, but just different ‘digital tools’ depending on what type of object we are trying to edit/amend.
You open a model, then when you select an object, or place a certain type of object, the software loads the required toolset