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OpenBuildings Designer

Showing 195 of 199

Assembly Builder - Placement Points (Persistent)

AB needs to support PPs. This will avert the need to manually pick change the insertion point which will be needed quite often. The new PPs introduced by platfrom are also persistent which means that when the assembly needs to be replaced, this ca...
over 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 1 Needs review

Add ability to run the validate utilities without fully launching application

There is a useful troubleshooting utility that can be launched from within the application (DG validation). can we provide a simple UI that will allow this utility to run without having to launch the application the Ui would allow the user to sele...
over 4 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer 0 Future consideration

GC: create the ability to expand a package

in update 7 we have introduced a new method of creating a node package, a way of simplifying many nodes down to one in some cases. This is very useful for controlling often used modelling techniques and reducing the size and complexity of the grap...
over 4 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer 0 Future consideration

Open Cities Planner (OCP): Bi directional Support

Take Schematic and or existing models data from OCP, and bring it into a design session inside OBD Create a workflow to display OBD data and geometry inside OCP
almost 5 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural / Buildings Services 1 Future consideration

Penetrations: Config / Rules engine

Currently, the configs can create rules for cutting elements based on 'size, type or even few properties'. It would be good to expand this to: Properties: Item Types / DGS / Family and Parts. Cut as well as Cutting element- sort of similar to the ...
about 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 0 Needs review