I really love the "ifcTransformReferenced" key-in. It's the easiest way I know of to relocate an IFC file, keeping all other information intact. It would be so nice to get some similar features for: Splitting IFC file: For example we often receive...
If we can pick a wall and get an instant Dimension, maybe with Opening width as additional Information, it would accelerate the Plan Layout. Attached a GIF showing the idea in a sample macro created some years ago. Optional these dimensions could ...
Currently the "Create space - Flood Area" only works on geometry in the active model. I'd be nice to also be able to use it with referenced geometry. See also Idea 138 - Create wall from space in Referenced File. Making this possible would probabl...
Improvement in Family/Parts Editor and Catalog Editor
It will be appreciate to have a better respect of the general Windows convention in these two dialog boxes.
1) They are similar but they are working differently
2) When an entity is editable in the tree or in the listview (right side), F...
As there is an increase awareness on carbon emission and a need to calculate the embedded carbon rate per volume of material assigned in the model, it should be time for this parameter to be included and rate set based on standard EC rate. Current...
There are a lot of data on the internet from manufacturers. For the Building design system, it would be very nice to use real measurements of the manufacturers. For example, there is a data group of Victaulic implemented in Bentley Open Plant. htt...
Rule system to reduce area/volume of rooms based on sloped elements above, such as roofs and stairs, niches and floor-to-ceiling windows, and columns, in space reports
When creating families and parts i/e/ a door, we need an option to MATCH Wall. This was available in PCS, but not in MS or OBD. As it stands you need to place a 3d slab that is your perforator = your cut depth. This s very limited. We need an opti...
Allow option to remove Context Menu items that are not loaded in from the GUI.dgnlib
The right click context menus have items that are loaded into it from outside a dgn library, provide method to show /hide all context menu items, not just the ones designated thorough a dgn.lib file.
Match Element in Modify Properties panel - Always Active
The Match Element properties tool is currently available only while placing a new element. This restricts the type of elements it can match and forces the user to query the element to find out its kind, hop around to different tools. This is a lot...