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OpenBuildings Designer

Showing 61

Being able to input a ceiling plenum after an exposed ceiling design change

Currently there is no way to change from an exposed ceiling design to now a ceiling plenum without starting again once created. Designs change so this should be an easy change also
2 days ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 0 Needs review

OBD Selects references

I want to lock references to prevent them from being selected.
9 days ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 2 Needs review

Rhino inside

HI Bentley I was just looking at Revit/Rhino/Grasshopper and they are all linked via a tool called Rhino Inside. When revit, rhino and grasshopper are linked, the tool sets are added to each of the 3 appli...
21 days ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 0 Needs review

Add ability to cut a curtain wall with a shape

Hi Support. I have been trying to offset the top front face of a mullion of the top row of a CW and set it back by 20mm. Sadly this is not possible, the profile tool will not allow it. I then thought maybe I can use the cut tool and achieve the sa...
about 1 month ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 0 Needs review

IFC entity mapping for subcomponents of Curtain Wall

The subcomponents Panels and Mullions of Curtain Wall now mapped to IfcBuildingElementProxy in IfcEntity when exported to IFC4 in OpenBuildings. Tried to modify the mapping options in the IFC Export dialog or edit the IFC_PartMapping_ifc4.set to a...
about 1 month ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 0 Needs review

Railing with baseboard

The problem is that it is not possible to use a flat iron profile from the standard catalog because this profile is always placed horizontally instead of vertically on the railing. I have not found a way to place the profile rotated by 90 degrees....
about 1 year ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Buildings Systems 1 Needs review

tool to create and update drawing schedule

It will save some time, reduce risk of mistakes and it will take away boring work and make you happier in front of OBD.
about 1 month ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 0 Needs review

Creating native Revit files

Native Revit file Here in Holland the Architect, contructions, mechanical and Electric firms demand to use Revit. In their BIM protocols they demand to collaborate with RVT and IFC files. They demand me to collaborate this way. I don't have any so...
about 1 year ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 5 Needs review

Filled spaces are not displayed with display rules

A behavior that should be corrected. By indicating filled spaces in dynamic view, the spaces are not shown filled. If we indicate display rules for these spaces in dynamic views, the spaces are shown as indicated by the display rules but are no...
7 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 0 Needs review

English translation: Please add a design for fixing points in the pipe support. The fixed support of the pipe system (i.e., all three-way displacements must be constrained to 0) requires a combination of a guide and a limit support. Two hangers will be generated when generating the hanger. Original text: 请在pipe的支架中增加固定点的设计。管系的固定支架(即三向位移都要被约束为0)需要用一个导向加一个限位支架组合,生成支吊架的时候会出现两个支吊架.

请在pipe的支架中增加固定点的设计。管系的固定支架(即三向位移都要被约束为0)需要用一个导向加一个限位支架组合,生成支吊架的时候会出现两个支吊架。请增加一个固定支架选项English translation: Please add a design for fixing points in the pipe support. The fixed support for the pipe system (i.e. all three-way displacements are constr...
3 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Buildings Systems 1 Needs review