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Definition editor string property limited to 255

When a property is defined as string in definition editor despite there are fields where you can declare the maximum and minimun length, the program trunks the string at 255 characters instead the number you define as maximum length
almost 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 3 Future consideration

Generative Components: Support MS Python

It would be great to be able to support interaction with MS Python scripts. GC locks any Mstn geometry that it manipulates. This severely limits its use compared with other visual programming aids like Dynamo, PyRevit. MS Python seems a lot less c...
3 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 1 Future consideration

Color 255

Nowadays there are lot of BIM technique with different CAD software. If I read an IFC in OBD other CAD software use color 255 in the Part and family. So when I want to plot or create a pdf file, this color doesn't show up on paper or pdf. Because ...
7 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 1 Needs review

Allow special characters in attribute names

We would like to specify the units with a suffix in the attributes, e.g. "Schichtstaerke_[mm]". Unfortunately, square brackets and other special characters are not allowed. We ask you to program this so that special characters are also allowed. Wi...
over 1 year ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 1 Future consideration

Add cached files and live nesting function

For example, if we have 5(five) volume files referenced into a masterfile and this masterfile is referenced to a mastermodel where you take sections for 2D drawings. The 2D drawing is cached. When opening this file with live nesting set to 2, the ...
about 1 year ago in OpenBuildings Designer / General 1 Needs review

Enable parts to be placed completely on active layer

Currently when doors, windows, walls, etc. are placed when a level is set as active, the various components of the part land on different levels. The part placement actually creates levels that have been programmed into the part and cannot be chan...
about 1 year ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 2 Needs review

Program Manager Notification

If we delete files from the Design folder (our workset) and these files were used in Program Manager for Design Options, we should have notification when we start OBD that there are no these files and existing Design Option was changed.
over 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 1 Future consideration

Enable Program Area of a space to constrain its size

Enable Program Area of a space to constrain its size (rubber-banding capability) so user can adjust a side and have the shape respond. 2D constraints in MicroStation can do this, see video (the video is real-time; scrub through to get the picture ...
over 4 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 3 Future consideration

Multi-selection and drag-drop option for Spaces in Program Manager

When we import the data from Excel to Program Manager all spaces are added as long list and to realize where they should be placed we have to group them. Right now we can just Cut and Paste one by one each Space to move them from the common list t...
over 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 0 Needs review

Details for QuidkList of Program Manager

Could we have the column Details in QuickList when we place Spaces? When we import list of the spaces in Program Manager there might be a lot the same spaces for different floors, but when we try to place them with QuickList without grouping we ca...
over 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 0 Needs review