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Add ability to cut a curtain wall with a shape

Hi Support. I have been trying to offset the top front face of a mullion of the top row of a CW and set it back by 20mm. Sadly this is not possible, the profile tool will not allow it. I then thought maybe I can use the cut tool and achieve the sa...
6 days ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 0 Needs review

New tool: Perimeter Fence Tool

a large Bentley account (Big Ticket Project) is asking for a new Feature/Tool in creating a parametric Perimeter Fence. this feature shall; it behaves and be placed like a Railing tool or a Curtain Wall Tool. it follows the profile: linear Type &a...
16 days ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 2 Needs review

Need sloped slab from compound slab option

Team needs it and creating sloped slab now is a challenge.
5 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 3 Future consideration

Place Wall by Space / Shape - Segment option

It would be good to include this option. Its very rare that all sides of the space or room will have the same wall type. The user ends up having to delete or mod most of the walls or even worse not using the tool at all. With this option, the OBD ...
about 1 month ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 1 Future consideration

Railing Prostructures section placement point

When you are choosing the Prostructures members in any of the areas the member is always Place top Center. Need to be appy to choose the placement point E.G. Centre - Center
8 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 1 Future consideration

Filled spaces are not displayed with display rules

A behavior that should be corrected. By indicating filled spaces in dynamic view, the spaces are not shown filled. If we indicate display rules for these spaces in dynamic views, the spaces are shown as indicated by the display rules but are no...
6 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 0 Needs review

Allow Geometry to be constrained by Floor,

A heavily requested feature is to allow objects to be constrained by floor plane. If the floor level adjusts the geometry adjusts. Reference planes with object associations (Speedikon GAP analysis)
almost 5 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural / Buildings Systems / Structural 2 Future consideration

Trim/Extend Multiple Walls

The Connect Walls command only works on 1 wall at a time. If the users need to extend multiple walls to touch another wall, the user must click the same wall multiple times. We should strive to match the workflow available in the Trim to Element C...
almost 5 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 2 Future consideration

Use of the Exchange Reference Command

When we have file A active and B and C referenced, selecting B and using Exchange is simply equivalent to opening file B. The ideal function would be to open file B with A and C referenced.
6 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 1 Needs review

Change multiple catalog items

When I want to change multiple catalog items, itable, hidden, and parametric name data, I can only do it one by one. Changing this data for all items or groups of items is not possible. It would be a good idea to be able to select all, a gro...
4 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Architectural 4 Already exists