When creating families and parts i/e/ a door, we need an option to MATCH Wall. This was available in PCS, but not in MS or OBD. As it stands you need to place a 3d slab that is your perforator = your cut depth.
This s very limited.
We need an option called MATCH WALL
How frequently will feature be used? | A few times a week |
Hi Johannes
If you setup a door using a PAZ cell, the place door tool has the option to MATCH WALL. This means the door can be placed in any wall width and the perforator will cut the wall
If you use the compound cell tool, the same applies. you get the match wall tool
If however, you use MS parametric models, the perforator has to be a 3d cube, thus a defined depth. Meaning there is no match wall option.
Hi Ian, thank you for your request. Could you please update your request with some illustrations where you would like to see this information placed so you can activate it?