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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 27, 2023

Have the cut section annotation bubble show the saved view name, without the need to pace it in a sheet

There are two moments where we use cut sections - when we are preparing drawigns for publishing, and also when we just need to see some geometry in a specific way to better help understand the construction. Its really difficult, after creating a few sections, to understand wich one shows what. The bublle isn't helpfull because many times we are creating the sections before placing them on a sheet. Moreover, sometimes we don't place them in a sheet at all. We just place them in a drawing, all lined up and ready, for someone else to use them. There should be a way to name the sections (the idea here is to use the saved view name, but it can be anything else) without the need to place them in a drawing. Have this name appear in the bublle, and somewhere in the saved view, so the user can easily relate both.

How frequently will feature be used? Several times a day
How much time will you save? A lot!!!!