Individual openings should be deletable after utilizing the penetration manager tool. Individual openings should be manually adjustable in size after using the penetration manager tool.
When I want to change multiple catalog items, itable, hidden, and parametric name data, I can only do it one by one.
Changing this data for all items or groups of items is not possible.
It would be a good idea to be able to select all, a gro...
Filled spaces are not displayed with display rules
A behavior that should be corrected.
By indicating filled spaces in dynamic view, the spaces are not shown filled. If we indicate display rules for these spaces in dynamic views, the spaces are shown as indicated by the display rules but are no...
The problem is that it is not possible to use a flat iron profile from the standard catalog because this profile is always placed horizontally instead of vertically on the railing. I have not found a way to place the profile rotated by 90 degrees....
Native Revit file Here in Holland the Architect, contructions, mechanical and Electric firms demand to use Revit. In their BIM protocols they demand to collaborate with RVT and IFC files. They demand me to collaborate this way. I don't have any so...
When we have file A active and B and C referenced, selecting B and using Exchange is simply equivalent to opening file B. The ideal function would be to open file B with A and C referenced.
Nowadays there are lot of BIM technique with different CAD software. If I read an IFC in OBD other CAD software use color 255 in the Part and family. So when I want to plot or create a pdf file, this color doesn't show up on paper or pdf. Because ...
In OBD there is an option to create Assemblies. This is the form of a Cell. Once placed the cell contents no longer cells but are individual elements i.e. a wall, these are also visible in the schedules tools. this is a great function to have. How...