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Structural rules based on DG Catalog

For Architectural and Mechanical drawing rules it is already possible to use the DG catalog to assign a rule to the elements it must be applied to. For Structural drawing rules only the Family/Part can be used. Please provide similar functionality...
over 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Structural 1 Future consideration

Structural Tool Open to Last Library Instead of Reset

Each time you go to place a structural member the tool resets to the base directory of the libraries. It would save a LOT of time is the tool remembered the last library list used and defaulted there instead of resetting to the beginning. It can b...
9 months ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Structural 0 Already exists

SNDF Export to export everything including all non structural members.

Currently the sndf export just exports structural members and non structural members such as handrail, grating, concrete goes missing. This will help the sndf export to have the whole model without missing geometry.
over 1 year ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Structural 1 Will not implement

Move Members to Defined RL

Something that would be very handy is a tool that would move elements to a preset rl. This would be a much easier option over using the move command in large models. Would also be great is there was an option to flatten raked members.
about 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Structural 0 Needs review

Move Placement Point to CAT and not Part

When setting up the OBD build, ideally, you would have the Part (beam, column, bracing etc.) and then use the Cat to set up Beam options by type, including the Placement Point (PP). eg. Part-Beam\Cat-Primary Beam with PP set to top-centre, Part-Be...
over 2 years ago in OpenBuildings Designer / Structural 0 Needs review